Empowering patients against hospitals for a brighter tomorrow no matter what your condition is.
patient law project.
We combine the best of grassroots organizing with legal expertise to radically transform the way patients are treated in hospitals to obtain justice in America—and we want you on our team. We do have lawyers on the team but we are not a law firm. Consider us your guardian angel.
DISCLAIMER: There are some great physicians and nurses out there. Not all of them break the law and are lacking medical ethics.

Get in touch.
We want you on our team. Whether you can help with a rally or demonstration or whether you are an attorney that can help with legal help or even if you are in the medical field and you want to help as an expert to show what should not be done. Also you can add your name to the mailing list to keep informed.
Supporting patients, families and health care agents.
You are not alone. The founders, two brothers have been through the same thing you and your family are going through with your loved one. The sad thing is the hospitals, physicians and ethics departments are not exposed as it is swept under the rug because the person had an incurable disease that has progressed to stage 4 and would have died anyways. A life is a life, period. You matter. Justice will be served.
Many patients and their families are directed to the patient advocate at the hospital when things are not going in their best interest. These patient advocates are paid by the hospital and are employees. They are not neutral and are normally biased just parroting the same thing the physicians or administration tell you. Don’t give up. Reach out to us as your neutral problem solver to get results when it is a matter of life or death.
More times then you know physicians make choices not to save your life, but a choice that makes the hospital more money, or according to a futility policy that goes against the patient’s advanced healthcare directive (living will). Some examples of this are when you are a full code and want everything done to save your life and you put this in writing ahead of time and then the hospital chooses not to give CPR by entering a unilateral limited DNR on their own. Another example is where they refuse to give you water or food even though you documented this in your living will. Why because patients with end of life terminal cancer or a condition that cant be fixed causes the physician to give up and not treat a patient the same as a healthy patient. Eg. If you are in the hospital and have cancer that cant be cured and develop pnemonia, you will not be given antibiotics even if you insist on it and your living will stated prior that you wanted this. Most of the time you will need an attorney to file an emergency injunction very quickly to enforce your rights. We can help in organizing a peaceful protest and mobilize very quickly at the site of the hospital.
Sometimes a physician’s actions or in-actions go beyond civil negligence where you can sue in civil court for money damages. If the physician is not just negligent and are grossly negligent they could go to jail for involuntary manslaughter. We work closely with all 50 Attorney Generals of each state to hand deliver, urge and work with to pursue investigation and criminal charges of egregious cases. Some examples are physicians giving a high dose of pain medicine to kill the patients who they thought they were doing a favor in relieving their pain.
A lot of times a lawyer will not help until the injury happens or wont take a case until the person dies as then there are damages. We do not care about the money, we care about justice and saving lives. We take a proactive approach to make sure no injuries or wrongdoing occur. Each action or inaction is checked along the way. We work with families and health care agents. to make sure a hospital is not doing what they want with end of life patients because they gave up all hope and do not want to honor the patient and families wishes. A life is a life. Period.
“A doctor’s medical license is not a tool to kill terminally ill patients just because they have a God complex and decide a terminally ill person does not have the same right to life as a healthy person.”
— Nicholas P., Founder and Attorney
More physicians kill patients than cancer does every year.
Killers who occupy the role of a professional career are sometimes referred to as "angels of death" or angels of mercy. In this role they may kill their patients for financial reasons for hospital, for a sense of sadistic pleasure, for a belief that they are "easing" the patient's pain, or simply "because they can". This is not counting the cases where patients die from an accident, complication or negligence on behalf of the physician. These cases are totally seperate.
Patients Law Project bridges the gap between grassroots organizing and legal expertise in patient’s rights reform by bringing millions of us together to address the most pressing and egregious failures of the hospital systems, hold powerful actors accountable, and advocate for deep structural change.
With the help of a vast network, we will provide the necessary organizing and legal support to transform patient justice in America.
We will create change by confronting key decision makers—elected officials, prosecutors’ offices, police departments, and others—and applying massive public pressure to draw national attention to cases that normally go overlooked by national media because someone has a medical license and the patient is end of life.
But it’s not enough to fight injustices one at a time. We will push for bold policy changes to dismantle systems of patient injustice and replace them with policies, committees, and resources that support healing not death and community care.
Using grassroots organizing and legal expertise, The Patient Law Project will radically reform the American hospital setting related to patient’s rights to end abuses of authority used to unjustly keep patients against their will, enforcing living wills, battling futility policies and no escalation of care orders and assist in court intervention to save lives that still do matter.
We are the team behind the campaigns to save and get justice for Donna Pagliara.
These cases have taught us that our success depends on high-quality work by legal professionals, and widespread, relentless organizing that draws on the power of motivated volunteers to do meaningful work, whether it's donating a few dollars or spending hours on the phone calling important decision makers.
We’re building a grassroots movement for change to provide a new resource for those without expertise, finances, or social reach to seek justice with us, together—and we can't do this without you. Remember, we are a voice for the voiceless. They are just unheard. We exist to amplify their voices and to fight for them every step of the way.